Admission and registration

Admission and registration criteria:

Our Kindergarten is committed to tomorrow the bright principle of equal opportunity in education but may take into account factors including the applicant’s previous educational and language background for purposes of admission and enrollment in order to fulfill the school’s mission of providing education in an international environment and through study in the English language.

Admission and registration process:

The aim of the admission and registration policy is to select students who will develop in the academic environment offered by the school and take full advantage of the opportunities available there. The school will also accept students whose academic and personal needs can be met through the programs Student support services are available at the time of admission and registration. While we aim for inclusion in our admissions and enrollment decisions, we reserve the right to refuse admission to students who we believe would not have an educational benefit from kindergarten.


It may be our policy to evaluate students who apply for a place at the school by taking an entrance exam. Students may also be asked to take a short interview to assess the extent or nature of any additional English or educational support.

Parent interviews:

The Deputy Principal may request to meet with the parents after the evaluation phase to discuss their child’s report and the role parents are expected to play in the process of supporting their child’s education. This interview is also an opportunity for parents to ask the Vice Principal any questions they may have about the school.

prescribed fees:

The fee includes the cost of most office supplies, stationery, textbooks, toys and school assemblies, but excludes a small number of items, for example, school uniforms, school bus transportation, educational excursions, additional special needs requirements, and external suppliers for after-school activities. School fees are set and approved by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and are reviewed by them annually.

The required documents:

  • Completed and signed application form
  • Qatari identity cards (copies) for the parent and child.
  • Passports (copies) of the parent and child.
  • 3 personal photos of the child.
  • Birth certificate (copy) for the child.
  • Vaccination certificate (copy) for the child
  • Health file (original) and health card (copy) for the child.
  • Previous school reports (originals and copies) of the child.

Acceptance and offer of the place:

The offer of a place is subject to payment of the corresponding fee within a timetable.


Bright Future Kindergarten maintains the right to exclude students who cannot meet their educational requirements. If we are unable to support or meet your child’s needs, it would not be in their best interest to stay in kindergarten.



QR 18,300
  • Including
  • Registration - 1,000 (Mandatory)
  • Fees - 11,900 (Mandatory)
  • Books - 1,000 (Mandatory)
  • Uniform - 400 (Mandatory)
  • Transport - 4,000 (Optional)